About the bug in SlideShow class
2007-02-02 02:29:44 UTC
When I use the POI-HLSF to extract the text from the slides.
My code is very easy:
PowerPointExtractor ppe = new PowerPointExtractor("c:\\4.ppt");
String s = ppe.getText(true,true);

But there is a error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide cannot be
cast to org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster
I trace the bug, I find that:
For the ppt which has more than 2(include 2) MainMasters, the SlideShow
Constructor could not correctly to get MasterRecords:

SlideListWithText masterSLWT =
SlideListWithText slidesSLWT = _documentRecord.getSlideSlideListWithText();
SlideListWithText notesSLWT = _documentRecord.getNotesSlideListWithText();

//find master slides
SlideAtomsSet[] masterSets = new SlideAtomsSet[0];
org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[] masterRecords = null;
if (masterSLWT != null){

masterSets = masterSLWT.getSlideAtomsSets();
masterRecords = new org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[
for(int i=0; i<masterRecords.length; i++) {
masterRecords[i] = (org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster

Eg. The masterSets.length =2, but there is only 1 master records in the
MostRecentCoreRecords, so the there will be a casting error.

And I also find that the test data given in the Src dir, all ppt file are
simple, all of them have only 1 master slide,

Did anyone test the ones which have more than 2 master slides?
With respects,
Martin van den Bemt
2007-02-02 08:44:10 UTC
Hmm better send this to poi-***@jakarta.apache.org, don't think you will get a valuable response on
the oro list..

Post by Mingfan.Lu
When I use the POI-HLSF to extract the text from the slides.
PowerPointExtractor ppe = new PowerPointExtractor("c:\\4.ppt");
String s = ppe.getText(true,true);
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide cannot be
cast to org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster
For the ppt which has more than 2(include 2) MainMasters, the SlideShow
SlideListWithText masterSLWT =
SlideListWithText slidesSLWT = _documentRecord.getSlideSlideListWithText();
SlideListWithText notesSLWT = _documentRecord.getNotesSlideListWithText();
//find master slides
SlideAtomsSet[] masterSets = new SlideAtomsSet[0];
org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[] masterRecords = null;
if (masterSLWT != null){
masterSets = masterSLWT.getSlideAtomsSets();
masterRecords = new org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[
for(int i=0; i<masterRecords.length; i++) {
masterRecords[i] = (org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster
Eg. The masterSets.length =2, but there is only 1 master records in the
MostRecentCoreRecords, so the there will be a casting error.
And I also find that the test data given in the Src dir, all ppt file are
simple, all of them have only 1 master slide,
Did anyone test the ones which have more than 2 master slides?